Inspired by Javascript's arrow function, I guess? es6-in-depth-arrow-functions
The short closures called arrow functions are one of the long-due functionalities that PHP 7.4
will bring. It is proposed by Nikita Popov, Levi Morrison, and Bob Weinand and you can read the original RFC here
Quick Example is taken from Doctrine DBAL
//old way
$this->existingSchemaPaths = array_filter($paths, function ($v) use ($names) {
return in_array($v, $names);
//new way with arrow function
$this->existingSchemaPaths = array_filter($paths, fn($v) => in_array($v, $names));
Let's go through the rules
is a keyword and not a reserved function name.It can have only 1 expression and that is the return statement.
No need to use
variable, the scope and the LSB scope are automatically bound.You can type-hint the arguments and return types.
You can even use references
and spread operator...
Few examples
//scope example
$discount = 5;
$items = array_map(fn($item) => $item - $discount, $items);
//type hinting
$users = array_map(fn(User $user): int => $user->id, $users);
//spread operator
function complement(callable $f) {
return fn(...$args) => !$f(...$args);
$z = 1;
$fn = fn($x) => fn($y) => $x * $y + $z;
//valid function signatures
fn(array $x) => $x;
fn(): int => $x;
fn($x = 42) => $x;
fn(&$x) => $x;
fn&($x) => $x;
fn($x, ...$rest) => $rest;
Future Scope
Multi-line arrow functions
Allow arrow notation for real functions inside a class.
//valid now
class Test {
public function method() {
$fn = fn() => var_dump($this);
$fn(); // object(Test)#1 { ... }
$fn = static fn() => var_dump($this);
$fn(); // Error: Using $this when not in object context
//maybe someday in future
class Test {
private $foo;
private $bar;
fn getFoo() => $this->foo;
fn getBar() => $this->bar;
My Favorite takeaways
Callbacks can be shorter
No need for
keyword, you can access variables.
Let me know what do you think about these updates and what are your favorite takeaways from this?
till next time, rishiraj purohit